Friday, December 7, 2007

Thanks for the memories

I guess I spoke too soon: Mike broke up with me today on AIM. What the fuck is up with that? What kind of dude breaks up with a girl in IM? Apparently one who isn't worth my time, energy or feelings anymore. Here's the full story of how we met, got together and broke up.

Mike and I met in the lobby of the building where they hold all the computer classes. We are both Computer Information Technology majors in different fields. That was an awesome thing to have in common. Anyway, we exchanged screen names and talked on AIM for a week. He got my number when I had him proof-read my resume. We officially started our relationship the day after thanksgiving, only a week after we had started talking a lot. He is (was? not sure how I feel anymore) really sweet to me. We talked a lot about school, our previous relationships, friends, movies, video games, and music. He was so great to talk to, and he came back into my life at just the right time: right after I got back from Rome.

The problem at the beginning was that I was concerned about our age difference (two years) and the distance. Since he was two years older than me, I knew he was more experienced in alot of things (IT knowledge, drinking and sex among other things) than I was. The distance became hard during this second week of the relationship.

I spent the weekend at his apartment last weekend and I thought everything was great. He made dinner, we decorated a tree and shared our first kiss. It was cute. Everything we were both hoping for.

Like Tuesday started the beginning of the end. He called my me a bit immature, told me some worries about our relationship and Wednesday he deleted the little snippet about me from his AIM profile. Today he sent me an instant message and say "We need to talk". He was in class mind you, so he couldn't call me. He then proceeds with "this isn't going to work...the age and distance are going to be too hard on us...I'd rather just end it now than lead you on...i know its wrong to say it like this, but I need to get it off my chest...I'm sorry". I know it sounds pretty light just looking on the outside, but there is a little more to it than just that. It's really personal and I'm not going to get into that, but I'm pretty hurt.

Basically when we started this relationship, I told him about the guy I had seen last semester. My emotions and feelings were played with heavily and I told Mike three weeks ago that the one thing I'm so afraid of is making the same mistake I did last year. I sort of feel like I did that. I trusted both of these guys, and they took my trust, played with it and then threw it back at me when they dumped me shortly after.

The semester ends in two weeks and I am looking forward to staying at my house for four weeks. I think I just need time to figure myself out and what I want. Plus I need to be with my family and friends at home for the Christmas season. December 20th, I'll be there.

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